
What I have learned operating a European shared mobility startup.

As an entrepreneur in the shared mobility industry in Europe, I’ve faced a number of challenges that are unique to this industry and region. One of the biggest challenges is competing with startups in the United States that have raised billions of dollars in funding. While European startups have made significant strides in the shared mobility space, the level of funding available in the United States can make it difficult to compete on a global scale.

Despite these challenges, I’ve learned that there are several advantages to being a European entrepreneur in the shared mobility industry. For one, Europe has a strong tradition of public transportation, which has helped pave the way for the adoption of shared mobility solutions. Additionally, Europe is home to a number of cities that are ideal for shared mobility solutions due to their dense populations and high levels of congestion.

To succeed as a European entrepreneur in the shared mobility industry, it’s important to focus on innovation and differentiation. This means developing solutions that are unique and offer clear value to users. It also means thinking strategically about how to build partnerships and collaborations with other stakeholders in the transportation ecosystem, such as public transportation providers and city governments.

Another key lesson I’ve learned is the importance of taking a long-term view. While the United States may have more funding available in the short term, the shared mobility industry is still in its early stages and there is plenty of room for innovation and growth in Europe. By taking a patient and strategic approach to growth, European startups can build sustainable and successful businesses that are well-positioned for long-term success.

Finally, it’s important to focus on building a strong team and culture within the company. In a highly competitive and rapidly changing industry like shared mobility, having a team that is committed to the mission and values of the company can make all the difference. By investing in employee development and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, European startups can create a competitive advantage that sets them apart from their rivals.

In conclusion, while being a European entrepreneur in the shared mobility industry presents its own unique challenges, there are also significant advantages to operating in this region. By focusing on innovation, differentiation, partnerships, and a long-term view, European startups can compete successfully in the global shared mobility market and contribute to the growth of sustainable and equitable transportation solutions.